My time capsule objects:
A picture of Disneyland Paris...
The first time I went abroad, when I was six. It was a surprise for me as I didn't know I was going, I remember waking up and thinking 'I'm meant to be going to school'. I particularly enjoyed going because it was near Christmas so everything was very festive, one of my favourite experiences was watching the parade on our final night and the firework display above Cinderella's castle.
A picture of S Club 7...
I have included this because it was the first concert I went to see. I remember getting tickets for a birthday of mine and going with my mum, one of my friends and her elder sister. I also remember that when we got there people were in our seats because they had somehow got the wrong day and so they ended up sitting on the stairs, I also saw S Club Juniors as they were one of the supporting acts.
Teddy bear...
This bear was a present from my Nan when I was young, it was one of my first bears and is very special to me as it reminds me of her and the days she used to come round to visit.
(And present) A photo of my dog Tia...
I remember getting her on the 15th February, 4 years ago and I was so happy and excited as I had wanted a dog for so long and was finally getting one. I remember how small she was and the journey home with her in the car on the day we got her becasue she kept making weird noises (which she still does sometimes) and kept climbing all over the seat trying to look out the windows.
Travel guide to New York...
As part of my 18th birthday I went to New York, just before Christmas, something I really wanted to do. I went with my mum, dad and sister and it was the first time any of us had been to America.
Programme for Creamfields festival 2013...
This picture represents one of my most recent memories which is going to Creamfields festival on the August bank holiday weekend. It was the first festival I had been to and I really enjoyed it.
My camera...
I have included this because it represents photography which is something I am very interested in and enjoy and the reason I came to Ravensbourne. I remember getting this camera about five years ago before I studied photography at a GCSE level as it was my own camera.
My car key...
When I passed my test I was relieved and really happy because I was so nervous about it. I now feel that I have more independence as I have the freedom to go to various places when I want.
18th birthday badge...
Also allows me to be independent and to have ID which is exciting as I can go out to places I usually wouldn't have been able to go to (e.g. Creamfields). This badge is also representative of the past as it reminds me of my birthday and what I did for it and the people I celebrated it with.
Shows where I am now and also the start of the future I hope to go in to.
This image shows a page of sketches that I have drawn based on some of my objects that I did not want to/couldn't bury. The sketches are based on objects and photographs such a photos of my family and dog, my car keys and my pass.
Final time capsule...
These last two photos show my final time capsule containing the objects that are going to be buried. Amongst the items are those from the individual images above and sketches of other objects also shown. The objects in my time capsule are widespread and different which I think shows a variety of different memories from both past and present. I found this experience enjoyable because it is interesting to look back at the past and how things may have changed or be different now and also how much you can remember from one object/picture. However, I also found this task/experience quite difficult because I was unsure what type of objects to include and how to present them in the time capsule.
Planning the burial of my time capsule:
I am going to bury my time capsule in my garden because it is close to home, family and memories which are all aspects that I have included in my capsule.
Early evening, about 7pm. This timing will effect/represent my memories because it will be as the sun sets which is one of the most peaceful times of day, this allows you to really think about what your doing and the memories that are stored in the time capsule.
I am going to document my burial by taking photographs of each step, including before and after shots. I am also going to take into consideration my thoughts and feelings at the time as well as some of the different senses e.g. smell and touch, which I will then use as wording to represent my thoughts and emotions when presenting the burial of my capsule.