Thursday, 19 September 2013

Time Capsule Burial

Burying my time capsule:

To document the burial of my time capsule I decided to take photographs of each of the stages including images of the equipment I used and the spot in which I buried it.


This first picture shows the equipment I used in order to dig the hole for my capsule, I used a large shovel and also a garden spade in order for the hole to be deep enough so the capsule would fit.

I then decided on a location within my garden as can be seen in this image. I chose this area because it is quite protected which may help to shelter my capsule more, it also was easier to dig here as the soil was softer than other areas of the garden which allowed me to bury my capsule deeper.


Three...The third stage of the burial was when I began to dig the hole, at this stage I also thought back to my plan and the type of thoughts, words and senses that would represent this experience. I thought it was quite a strange feeling burying some of my possessions because you get used to seeing them and associating them with the memories they are from. I found this stage one of the most difficult because the soil was so dry and crumbly it kept falling back into the hole that I had created.

 Four...To overcome the problem of the soil falling back into the hole I put it into a bucket, this meant I was able to dig the hole deep enough and wide enough to fit my time capsule in it, as can bee seen in this image.

The two images above show that I put the time capsule in and began covering it back up with the soil, I feel that the burial of my time capsule went well because I was able to think back to the objects I was burying and the memories and places or people that I associate them with.


This is the final picture of the stages I went through to bury my time capsule. Once I had completely covered my capsule with the soil I then marked the space with a stick so it would be easy to identify it.





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