Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Final Photo shoot

The photographs that you see below are a selection of images from my final photo shoot. I decided to continue to look at the areas that surround derelict buildings and also to use a shallow depth of field to photograph the actual structural elements as can be seen in the pictures that follow. Furthermore, I decided to keep this photo shoot in full colour in order to clearly see the different colours and details/textures at a derelict site.


I continued throughout all my pictures of the objects to photograph using a shallow depth of field as well as a wide depth of field which I think works well with these pictures as they are closely cropped and taken from a close up perspective. I also continued to look at the different colours and textures and some of my favourite show how the paint is peeling or where the objects have gone rusty or growing moss.

I then went on to photograph the actual buildings, looking at both the wider view and getting close up t certain aspects of it e.g. windows/doors e.t.c. the next set of images are from the same photo shoot but look to photograph in this way. What I like about a lot of these images is how you get to see the range of different colours, therefore I think full colour works best with these photos. I also like the different textures and how they go into one, for example the boarded up windows.
Within some of the photos many have been taken from very similar angles and perspectives, for example those of corners of walls and looking up towards the sky. I think I could improve a number of these photographs by experimenting with different perspectives and view points and perhaps trying to include more of the building in order to incorporate a range of colours.

I continued to experiment with taking my photographs from dramatic slanted angles. I really like how this captures different areas of the building in one photo.
With all these photos I used the same editing process as seen before, however with the images that include the sky I adjusted the exposure even more in order to create a clear, white sky that then created a bold contrast with the buildings. What I like about these photos as a whole is the variety of different images that I was able to take and how many look very different from each other. Furthermore, I also like the colours and textures I was able to capture which make these photos look more abstract. I used only natural lighting and the occasional flash which made my pictures look clear. I think I could improve my images by being more adventurous with the compositions and perhaps experiment more with cropping the pictures.

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